Motivating Tips For Job Seekers
Are you staring at an empty page, trying to write the next cover letter? Or postponing the grip and grin meeting you’ve scheduled? Have lethargy and laziness set in? Has your get up and go taken a permanent vacation?
Well, my friend, you are not alone.
Staying motivated during a prolonged job search is more challenging than actually going on an interview.
Here are some tips to keep you motivated:
# Keep busy by lending a hand - do volunteer work or help a neighbor in need. It will raise your self-esteem and the feel good quotient that can be sorely depleted during a job search.
# Get temp or contract work - this will give you a few bucks and provide structure to your week. # Shake your booty - Move, exercise, dance. The endorphin release alone will carry you forward into more activity.
# Get rid of clutter - throw out stuff or donate it to charity. This always works for me. I end up feeling good about the new space I’ve created. The tax deduction isn’t bad either.
# Learn from the successful job seeker - who among your contacts has landed a job recently?
Find out how they did it!
# Drop the whiners - your sanity depends upon it! The last thing you need is a pity party.
# Join a job search club - get support from other job seekers. Many state employment offices offer job groups, as do local community centers and churches.
# Have faith - and derive comfort from visiting a quiet place of worship or contemplation, whether under a beautiful elm tree or in a temple.
# Fertilize your brain - instead of watching TV, read positive, inspirational material for at least 30 minutes each day.
Keeping motivated during a job search is a constant test of your patience and fortitude, particularly if you’ve come in second, or been rejected outright, by a company you really wanted to work for. Know that everyone feels discouraged at times. But, the name of the game is staying persistent despite the difficulties. You do that by continuing to move forward, not dwelling on the negatives and keeping your eyes focused on the prize - getting the job!
Keeping motivated during a job search is a constant test of your patience and fortitude, particularly if you’ve come in second, or been rejected outright, by a company you really wanted to work for. Know that everyone feels discouraged at times. But, the name of the game is staying persistent despite the difficulties. You do that by continuing to move forward, not dwelling on the negatives and keeping your eyes focused on the prize - getting the job!
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