Looking for a job????
After you have defined your career interests and developed a realistic understanding about the job market for your proposed field, your attention should be focused on generating a list of potential employers. Unfortunately, you cannot hang a "Rollins Graduate" shingle on your door and just wait for the offers to magically appear. You must actively search for opportunities and leads. This will be a time-consuming endeavor; however, the time you invest will reap benefits for years to come.
To begin, make sure you are prepared with all relevant job search tools. The following is a list of items you will need for your job search campaign:
A three ring notebook to be specifically used for the job search. In your notebook include: a copy of your network list, copies of all correspondence (cover letters and follow-up letters) sent to prospective employers, a page for notes on each phone conversation with an employer and/or interview
A calendar for quick reference of important dates including: interviews, dates when you expect to hear back from employers, career programs, etc.
A list of Rollins alumni targeted by city and/or occupation for networking purposes
Directories of employers by city or occupation
A supply of professional stationary for resumes, cover letters, and follow-up letters
An appropriate email address and a professional voice mail message
A well-tailored suit or appropriate clothes for interviews, including a good pair of shoes
When it comes to the job search, many students prefer to take a "reactive" approach; they will respond to job postings and advertisements but will not take initiative in identifying potential job leads. If you employ this strategy and do not attempt to personally identify employers with whom you would like to work, you are limiting your success. You are encouraged to be more "proactive" in your search. A proactive job seeker will generate many more leads and will, more likely, be able to secure a position congruent with his/her career goals.
Employers use many methods to hire for various positions. For some positions, employers may advertise in the newspaper, professional magazines, and on college campuses. Other positions are listed internally first so that current employees have the first bid. Often employers will call associates and friends to request recommendations and referrals.
If you are entering a competitive field, you will find that job leads will be more difficult to identify. Positions in art, advertising, journalism, creative writing, conservation, recreation, personnel and media will be limited. This is not meant to discourage you from pursuing one of these occupations, but to demonstrate the importance of understanding the job market and preparing a job search plan appropriate to your field.
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